Candy Ornaments
Decorate for the holidays with Palmer this year. These fun candy ornaments bring sparkle, shine and lots of color to your tree, mantle or staircase.
- 1–2 bags of Palmer® Santa’s Merry Mix
- 1 styrofoam ball (4–6 inch diameter)
- 2 plastic balls that open in half (different sizes)
- 1 plastic craft ornament (oval shaped)
- 2–3 spools of ribbon & string of choice
- 1 pack of silver bells
- 1 pack of holiday buttons
- Glue gun & glue sticks
- Scissors & paperclips
- Glitter glue
NOTE: Children should be supervised by adults when creating this craft.
Step 1
Start with the styrofoam ornament. Establish the top and bottom of your ornament. Contort your paperclips so that they form a loop and twist at the bottom to secure. Push one clip into the top and one into the bottom (opposite each other) of the styrofoam ball. Remove, add glue to the hole and insert the paperclips back in. Wait until they dry fully. Now you can start gluing on your candy. Set aside once all the candy is glued on and allow to dry completely.
*Note: The ball will have a tendency to roll toward the candy. Have something to prop the ball on while gluing to help with this issue.
Step 2
For the plastic balls that open in half—fill with the candy and bells. You can even fill one with one of the Peanut Butter Cup Reindeer (see craft instructions on how to make). Carefully close the ball.
The plastic craft ornament can be filled with your holiday buttons and bells, glue some of the buttons on the outside as well and use some glitter glue to paint on an initial, name or the year. We decided to paint on the Palmer Bunny Symbol.
Step 3
To finish your ornaments, loop string to the top of each ornament so that you can hang them. Make bows from your ribbon and attach to the ornaments at the top or bottom (the styrofoam candy ornament has the looped paperclip at the bottom of the ornament for this purpose). Tie on some string and have some bells dangling. Have fun. This is your time to customize the ornaments any way you would like.
All your ornaments are complete and ready to be displayed on your tree, mantle or staircase. These ornaments are also great gift ideas.