Peanut Butter Cup Flower Bouquet
Create a fun bouquet for any occasion. Give as a gift or use as a centerpiece at your next event!
R.M. Palmer foiled Peanut Butter Cups
Flower Cut-Outs (Click to Download and Print)
Wooden Skewers
Green Marker
Hot Glue Gun
Double-sided Tape
Basket or Vase
Floral Foam that fits your Basket/Vase
Colored Crinkle Paper or Easter Grass
- Download and print flower cut-outs. It is best to print on thicker paper, but if you are unable, print and mount onto card-stock or posterboard.
- Cut out the flowers.
- Color your wooden skewers with a green marker to make your stem.
- Using double-sided tape, attach a peanut butter cup to the center of each flower.
- Using a hot glue gun, attach the flower to the wooden skewer. Repeat for all your flowers.
- Place the floral foam in your basket/vase and cover it with crinkle paper.
- Stick your flowers in the foam and arrange them into a bouquet!